AMC® Universal Cineplex 20 with IMAX
Now Showing: Epic Entertainment
At the AMC® Universal Cineplex 20 at Universal CityWalk™, you can take in new releases on twenty big screens, including an immersive IMAX* Experience theater. Enjoy stadium seating, high-backed chairs, and state-of-the-art projection and sound systems that put on an incredible show. The concession stands are stocked with sweet snacks in addition to hot foods like pizza and fries, plus a full liquor bar with beer and wine. These first-class features come together to create an unforgettable viewing experience at Orlando’s premier movie showplace.

Hollywood Drive-In Golf
Swing By For The Game Of Your Life
Prepare yourself for an invasion of 50s sci-fi and horror flick fun throughout two interactive 18-hole mini-golf courses. Choose between The Haunting of Ghostly Greensand Invaders from Planet Putt, or play all 36 holes for a daring "double feature."
Encounter a haunted house, flying saucer, 30-foot robot, and more in quirky capers filled with ghoulish gags and interplanetary puns. Special effects and lighting make it easy to play day, evening, and even late night. And since it's located in Universal CityWalk™, it's just steps away from the rest of the action.